Pray for Friends
Create a Hangout
Eat, Study, Connect
Serve others

Pray for the Holy Spirit
Do you have a friend who wants to lead others to Christ? Come together and pray for the Holy Spirit to bring new friends and sometimes old friends into your life. Prayer is core to MiTribe and we believe that if we ask God to bring people together for faith and community, He will do it.
Create a
Designate a spot where you can come together on a consistent basis. The space should be a place where you would feel comfortable inviting anyone. A place where the people you invite would feel safe and welcome as well.
Eat, Study, Connect
It's time to Feast! Feast on good food, conversation, and the Word of God. Take time on a consistent basis to come together for Bible Study and connection. Learning more about God and each other is at the core of MiTribe.
Serve Others
Tribes need to help others in order to stay healthy. As you get together, discuss ways you can serve the local church & community. Jesus says it is great if you just give a cup of water to someone, so be intentional in making your churches and communities better through service.